Mobile Valve – SN4

Mobile Valve - SN4

Nominal Flow Rate: 80 L/min(21 US gpm)

Operating Pressure (Maximum)(parallel or tandem circuit ): 315bar(4600 psi)

Operating Pressure (Maximum)(series circuit ): 215bar(3050 psi)

Back Pressure (Maximum)(on outlet port T ): 25bar(360 psi)

Fluid Temperature Range(with NBR(BUNA-N) seals): from -20oC to 80oC (from -4oC to 176oF)

Fluid Temperature Range(with FPM(VITON) seal ): from -20oC to 100oC (from -4oC to 212oF)

Viscosity(operating range): from 15 to 75 mm2/s (from 15 to 75 cst)

Viscosity(min): 12 mm2/s (12 cst)

Viscosity(max): 400 mm2/s (400 cst)

Ambient Temperature Range: from -40oC to 60oC (from -40oC to 140oF)